Planning & Development 

Planning applications are to be made to Council for approval of the proposed development



How to register your dog

To register your dog, please download and complete our Dog Registration Application  (PDF). Alternatively, you can get a form from Council’s Customer Service Centre at 9 Melbourne Street, Triabunna 7190.

Please bring the form in to our Customer Service Centre. We will give you a dog registration tag which is marked with an individual number linked directly to you.

You’ll receive your yearly registration renewals in the mail.

Other useful documents: 

Community Halls 

The Glamorgan Spring Bay municipality has 7 Community Halls that are available for hire.

These Community Halls are run by our community committee volunteers, they take the payments and bookings.

If you wish to hire a hall, please complete this form and return to the committee member of the hall you wish to hire out.

*Please be mindful that our Hall Committee members are volunteers.

Recreational Grounds  

If you wish to hire out one of the recreational grounds, please fill out the application below.

Community Small Grants Program 

A funding scheme initiated by the Glamorgan Spring Bay Council to assist with community development in the Glamorgan Spring Bay municipal area

The Glamorgan Spring Bay Council recognises the efforts and contribution’s of sporting groups and organisations within the Community.  Any queries you may have with regard to this topic, or if you would like to find out more, please direct your enquiries to Glamorgan Spring Bay Council  (03) 6256 4777

Photo & Media Consent Form 


Issuing Food Business Registrations

In Tasmania, all food businesses selling food must be registered with the relevant Local Government Authority.
In Glamorgan Spring Bay, this means such businesses must be registered with Glamorgan Spring Bay Council.

To register a food business, you must notify council by completing a Food Business Application Form and returning it to Council.
You must have a Certificate of Registration for a food business from us before you can commence selling food.

Temporary Food Business Registrations, Food Stalls and Mobile Van Registrations.

Anyone selling food at a temporary food stall must register with us. The form must be lodged two weeks before the event. Guideline for Temporary Food Stalls

Mobile Van Registrations

A mobile food business is a food business that operates from a mobile structure.

The term mobile structure is defined in the Food Act 2003 as: ‘A vehicle, trailer, cart, tent, stall booth, table, barbeque, pizza oven, or other mobile structure, that is not permanently fixed to the whole, or part, of a building, structure or land, in, at or from which food is, or is intended to be, handled or sold.’

Food Safety Audits of Food Businesses.

Businesses that prepare and sell food are registered in Council’s database and regular inspections are carried out to ensure compliance with the Food Act 2003.

Online Food Handling Course

Glamorgan Spring Bay Council offers free online food safety training to the municipal area. The program can be accessed online, twenty-four hours a day, 7 days a week.
We recommend that anyone handling food complete this program annually.

This program is easy to use and interactive, this program allows you to print off an acknowledgement form and a certificate of completion of the program that can be used as proof of accreditation.
Click here to access the ‘I’m Alert Food Safety program’

Glamorgan Spring Bay Council carries out investigations into Food Safety Complaints.

We investigate concerns relating to food businesses within the Glamorgan Spring Bay municipal area.

If you experience or observe any unacceptable practices in a food business located in the GSBC area, please complete an online complaint form or write to Council via email or post addressing the complaint.

If you would like more information or have any questions, please contact our Environmental Health Officer on 6256 4771 or

All forms can be accessed by clicking here. 

Marina Berths 

Currently there are no available marina berths in Glamorgan Spring Bay Council’s marina.
If you would like to be included on the Council’s marina berth waiting list, please fill out the form with your contact and vessel details, and if a berth becomes available we will contact you.


Cemetery / Funeral 

Funeral Request Form

Glamorgan Spring Bay Council own and manage two cemeteries within the Glamorgan Spring Bay area.

  • Triabunna
  • Bicheno

For enquiries regarding the above cemeteries, such as reservations, burials or history please contact us on (03) 6256 4777 or via email