Public Health protects the health & wellbeing of our community.

Glamorgan Spring Bay provides a range of public and environmental health programs and services to improve our health through education and promotion.

Council’s Environmental Health Officer is responsible for carrying out the duties and functions as required by the Food Act 2003 and associated Food Standards Code Of Australia.
Businesses that prepare and sell food are registered in Council’s database and regular inspections are carried out to ensure compliance with the Food Act 2003.

If you require assistance with Environmental Health, please contact Council’s Environmental Health Officer.


Environmental Health Officer

Helena Bobbi

Phone: 6256 4777
Email: health@freycinet.tas.gov.au


Sampling of Recreational Water is required under the provisions of the Recreational Water Quality Guidelines as prescribed by the Public Health Act 1997.  The Australian Guidelines for Recreational Use of Water provide for the procedures and prescribed limits for the different uses for the water.  Consideration has only been given to the highest class of use, Primary contact.


The Recreational Water Quality Guidelines 2007 (Public Health Act 1997) sets the base limit for microbiological standards for investigation as greater than 140 enterococci/100ml.

Resampling must be undertaken within 48 hours of becoming aware of a 140/100ml enterococci sample and conduct appropriate sanitary inspection.

Where two consecutive samples are greater than 280/100ml, the public must be advised if primary contact water body and resampling must be undertaken immediately within 48 hours of becoming aware of the result.  Any decision to remove an advisory sign shall be determined in conjunction with the Director of Public Health.

As shown all commonly used recreational sites comply with the microbiological

The Recreational Water Quality Guidelines 2007 (Public Health Act 1997) sets the base limit for microbiological standards for investigation as greater than 140 enterococci/100ml.

Resampling must be undertaken within 48 hours of becoming aware of a 140/100ml enterococci sample and conduct appropriate sanitary inspection.

Where two consecutive samples are greater than 280/100ml, the public must be advised if primary contact water body and resampling must be undertaken immediately within 48 hours of becoming aware of the result.  Any decision to remove an advisory sign shall be determined in conjunction with the Director of Public Health.

As shown all commonly used recreational sites comply with the microbiological guidelines of a median value of not more than <140 cfu/100mL Enterococci.





11 December 2024

16 December 2024 20 January 2025 24 February 2025

March 2025


Enterococci MPN/100ml

Enterococci MPN/100ml Enterococci MPN/100ml Enterococci MPN/100ml

Enterococci MPN/100ml

Muirs Beach,

Coles Bay

(Boat Ramp)



<10 <10
Richardsons Beach,

Coles Bay

(100M East of Rangers Creek Carpark Pedestrian Entrance)



<10 <10
Waubs Beach,


(Adjacent to Jetty Rd Carpark Pedestrian Entrance)



<10 <10
Jubilee Beach,


(Jetty Rd Boat Ramp)



<10 <10
Schouten Beach,


(25M Northeast of Saltwater Creek opening)



20.00 41.00
Raspins Beach,


(Adjacent to Sailing Club)



<10 <10
East Shelly Beach,


(Jetty Road Beach Access)



<10 <10
Spring Beach,


(Adjacent to Main Carpark)




<10 <10


Glamorgan Spring Bay maintain food safety in our community by:

Issuing Food Business Registrations

In Tasmania, all food businesses selling food must be registered with the relevant Local Government Authority.
In Glamorgan Spring Bay, this means such businesses must be registered with Glamorgan Spring Bay Council.

To register a food business, you must notify council by completing a Food Business Application Form and returning it to Council.
You must have a Certificate of Registration for a food business from us before you can commence selling food.

Temporary Food Business Registrations, Food Stalls and Mobile Van Registrations.

Anyone selling food at a temporary food stall must register with us. The form must be lodged two weeks before the event. Guideline for Temporary Food Stalls

Mobile Van Registrations

A mobile food business is a food business that operates from a mobile structure.

The term mobile structure is defined in the Food Act 2003 as: ‘A vehicle, trailer, cart, tent, stall booth, table, barbeque, pizza oven, or other mobile structure, that is not permanently fixed to the whole, or part, of a building, structure or land, in, at or from which food is, or is intended to be, handled or sold.’

Food Safety Audits of Food Businesses.

Businesses that prepare and sell food are registered in Council’s database and regular inspections are carried out to ensure compliance with the Food Act 2003.

Online Food Handling Course

Glamorgan Spring Bay Council offers free online food safety training to the municipal area. The program can be accessed online, twenty-four hours a day, 7 days a week.
We recommend that anyone handling food complete this program annually.

This program is easy to use and interactive, this program allows you to print off an acknowledgement form and a certificate of completion of the program that can be used as proof of accreditation.
Click here to access the ‘I’m Alert Food Safety program’

Glamorgan Spring Bay Council carries out investigations into Food Safety Complaints.

We investigate concerns relating to food businesses within the Glamorgan Spring Bay municipal area.

If you experience or observe any unacceptable practices in a food business located in the GSBC area, please complete an online complaint form or write to Council via email or post addressing the complaint.

If you would like more information or have any questions, please contact our Environmental Health Officer on 6256 4777 or health@freycinet.tas.gov.au


Council administers an effective immunisation service for the Community, which involves consultation and communication with schools and the Community.

Adult and Child Immunisation Schedule April 2018

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Adult and Child Immunisation Schedule April 2018

Target Influenza Immunisation Schedule April 2018

For further information regarding immunisations you can access the Department of Health & Human Services website by clicking here

Private Water Suppliers DHHS Brochure

Supplier of Private Water Application

Supplier of Private Water Renewal Application

For further information regarding supplier of private water you can access the Department of Health & Human Services website by clicking here

Guidelines For Water Carriers

Water Carriers DHHS Brochure

Water Carrier Renewal Application Form

For further information regarding water carriers you can access the Department of Health & Human Services website by clicking here

For further information regarding tank water you can access the Department of Health & Human Services website by clicking Rainwater tanks | Tasmanian Department of Health

Noise can be a significant environmental issue. The level and type of sound can affect work, rest and
sleep. A number of Tasmanian agencies and authorities regulate noise, depending on what is making
the noise and the time of day it occurs.

Please refer to the below fact sheet for further information.

Noise Complaints Fact Sheet (epa.tas.gov.au)

Tasmanian Beekeeper Biosecurity Registration Requirements

As part of the implementation of the Biosecurity Act 2019 (the Act), beekeeping is now considered a ‘regulated dealing’ and under the Act, a person must not engage in a regulated dealing unless they are registered. Therefore, registration is now compulsory for all Tasmanian commercial and recreational beekeepers. This requirement was formalised in new Biosecurity Regulations 2022 which came into effect on 2 November 2022.

This requirement to register under the Act extends to beekeepers who were previously registered under the Animal Health Act 1995, more information about who needs to be registered and the conditions of registration can be found at (beekeeper registration information)

A direct link to the registration form can be found here