
Dementia Australia Information Session

Swansea RSL 2 Noyes Street, Swansea

It starts with you - 

If you are passionate about your local community and want to make it more dementia-friendly, then this session is for you. 

You will understand common myths and stereotypes and discuss the many ways people can live well with dementia every day. 

You will learn what a dementia-friendly community is and how it benefits the whole community. You will explore practical examples and identify a process for 'getting started' as an individual or as a communit , to enable your community to be dementia-friendly. 

When: Wednesday 26 July 
Time: 10:30- 12:00pm 
Where: Swansea RSL - 2 Noyes Street, Swansea 
Cost: FREE 
Morning Tea will be provided. 

Additional information: 
RSVP by text message to Diane Flannigan on 0427 578 540.