Waste and Recycling Bin Information:
There may be days where your bins are not collected on time (truck breakdown or running late due to heavy workload). If this happens, please leave your bins out as they will be collected within the next 24hrs.
Kerbside collection days are available on the 2025 Garbage/Recycling Collection Calendar here.
Waste Transfer Stations –
Summer Operating Hours/Days apply from 21st October 2024 to May 2025
The following operating hours now apply from Monday 21st October 2024 – May 2025 at Orford, Swansea, Coles Bay, and Bicheno:
Open: Monday to Friday 2.30pm – 4.30pm
Open: Sunday 10.00am – 2.00pm
Closed: Saturday
Winter Operating Hours/Days apply from May 2025 – October 2025.
The following Winter Operating Hours/Days will apply from May 2025 to October 2025 at Orford, Swansea, Coles Bay, and Bicheno:
Open: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 2.30pm – 4.30pm
Open: Sunday 10.00am – 2.00pm
Closed: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
*Normal operating hours apply on all public holidays.
Closed – Christmas Day & Good Friday
Eftpos is available at all Waste Transfer Stations.
The Orford Waste Transfer Station may close with limited notice due to adverse weather conditions (such as excessive wind gusts), for the safety of customers.
Current and Completed Council Works:
Dates and times are supplied with the best of accuracy but may change without notice subject to conditions and other factors.
Please see below a schedule of current and upcoming works.
Harold Street, Coles Bay | Construction of new annex | Underway | |
Bradley Drive, Coles Bay | Stormwater grate upgrades | March 2025 | |
East Esplanade, Triabunna | drain cleaning | March 2025 | |
Numerous Triabunna small, unsealed roads | Maintenance grades | March 2025 | |
Bradley Drive, Coles Bay | Stormwater pit upgrades | March 2025 | |
Triabunna Rec Ground | Entrance upgrade | March 2025 | |
- Works Requests
- Waste Transfer Stations, Kerbisde Collection, Garbage (Waste) and Recycling Information,
- Abandoned Vehicles
- State Government Road Works
- Permit to conduct - Activity or work within a council street
- Private Works Application
- Flooding FAQ'S
- Nature Strips and Council Maintained Mowing Areas
Works Requests
Please submit a Works Request Form below to notify Council.
Some examples include:
- Footpath and walking track maintenance
- Trees
- Signage
- Road maintenance (on Council Roads only)
- Public amenities
PLEASE NOTE: Other authorities are responsible for many road, services and public places. For example, highways are State Growth, beaches are the Parks and Wildlife Service, and water or sewerage are TasWater.
The area of Waste Management has evolved from being landfill sites to environmentally responsible waste management and recycling centres. Council continues to operate its kerbside collection and recycling service throughout the Municipal area.
Council will continue to promote and implement the Waste Management Strategy and its associated implications.
Green waste management costs are increasing to meet environmental standards. As a result council will charge minimal fees on the delivery of green waste to all transfer stations commencing 1st August 2021 to fund the required changes in practices.
Refer to council fees and charges for the applicable rates.
Waste Transfer Stations
There are four Waste Transfer Stations in our Municipality which are located in the following areas:
ORFORD – On the Tasman Highway just north of Raspin’s Beach on the Tasman Highway at Orford
Note: The Orford Waste Transfer Station may close with limited notice due to adverse weather conditions (such as excessive wind gusts), for the safety of customers.
SWANSEA – At the end of sealed section of Maria Street Swansea
BICHENO – Approx. 2kms south of Bicheno township on the Tasman Highway
COLES BAY – Approx. 5km from Coles Bay township on Coles Bay Road
Note: Eftpos is available at all Waste Transfer Stations.
Kerbside Collection
Kerbside collection days are available on the 2025 Garbage/Recycling Collection Calendar here.
Place your bin out for collection the night before or no later than 6am on collection day.
There may be days where your bins are not collected on time (truck breakdown or running late due to heavy workload). If this happens, please leave your bins out as they will be collected within the next 24hrs. Please be aware if cars are parked either side of the street blocking access for the truck then bins will not be collected.
For property’s the collection truck goes directly past, Council’s kerbside collection includes a Driver Assist clause for persons meeting the definition of “Genuine Disability” under the Waste Management Policy, If you believe you meet this criteria, please contact council.
If you require a new, re-sized or replacement wheelie bin, please fill out this form
If you would like any further information regarding your kerbside collection, or any other enquiries regarding Waste Management, please call the Works Department on 03 6256 4777.
Recyclable Materials accepted at all GSBC Waste Transfer Stations include: Tyres (clean), white goods (no charge), general metal products, glass and plastic bottles (including Florescent light tubes), cans, E-Waste (including Televisions/Electrical items). Car batteries can be left at all Waste Transfer Stations and are then recycled by “Recycal”. Old Flares are accepted for MAST. Council also support and recycle household goods through the Swansea Men’s Shed/Shop.
Clean fill, Soil and loads of Bricks, Paint Tins, Tiles, Concrete, Clay, Cement or Commercial Building waste that constitutes land fill.
Mattresses: Please be aware that as of July 1st 2023 there will be a $26 fee for disposing of mattresses regardless of size due to ongoing charges imposed by Southern Waste Solutions at Copping.
An alternative option is the Mornington Park Tip at Mornington, Hobart or Launceston Waste Centre, Mowbray which have much larger sites and accept a greater variety of land fill items. Please refer to their websites for further information.
The following items should NEVER be placed in your kerbside recycling.
So, what do you do with them?
The following items can be dropped off at the Council office in Triabunna so they can be sent away to specialised recyclers:
- Used batteries: alkaline batteries such as AA, C & D + 6- and 9-volt, round button batteries, nickel cadmium, lithium ion and nickel-metal hydride which as used in electronics, photography and phones. This also includes watch and hearing aid batteries.
- Oral Care products such as toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes, dental floss containers and floss picks.
- Used cosmetics including used lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, foundation etc
Collection Buckets are located at the Council Office – 9 Melbourne St, Triabunna.
Refer to the Garbage and Recycling PDF below.
RV Dump Points – Triabunna, Swansea and Bicheno
Our RV dump points are where an RV traveler disposes of their waste, known as grey and black water. Grey water (older than 24 hours) is any domestic wastewater – but not sewage and black water is sewage, or the waste from your portable or on-board toilet. Please flush the waste with the onsite water hose provided to keep the dump point clear of blockages. This water is not for drinking purposes.
Trying to dispose of your other waste at the dump point is a big no-no when it comes to dump point etiquette. Why? Placing disposable nappies, disposable wipes (even if they claim they are flushable) and other items either in your cassette or down the dump point will clog up the system.
Please give the dump point a wash with the water hose and leave it clean for the next traveler and also for our Council Workers who maintain them.
The easiest way to find a dump point in Australia is to use Wikicamps, which not only allows you to find great camp sites quickly and easily, but will show you where you can shower, fill water tanks and find a dump point.
Waste Related Information & Forms
Garbage & Recycling Information
2024 Garbage and Recycling Collection Calendar
2025 Garbage and Recycling Collection Calendar
Abandoned Vehicles
This information will help you understand who to report abandoned vehicles in our community to.
A vehicle is considered abandoned if it is burnt out, has no number plates, is unregistered and parked on the road, or is registered but has not moved for a significant time.
Abandoned vehicles are investigated by Tasmania Police and then removed by the relevant road authority. Please note – State and Local Government have different legislation, policies and procedures for dealing with abandoned vehicles.
Abandoned vehicles can be reported to Tasmania Police or directly to the relevant authority.
To report an abandoned vehicle on a State road:
Please contact Department of Transport (State Growth) at or call 1300 139 933.
The following are State roads in the Glamorgan Spring Bay Municipality:
Tasman Highway
Freestone Point Road Triabunna
Coles Bay Road from Tasman Highway to the Esplanade Coles Bay
To report an abandoned vehicle on a Council road or street in the Glamorgan Spring Bay Municipality
Please report to Tasmania Police on phone the Police Assistance Line – 131 444. They will investigate unregistered and abandoned vehicles on Council streets. If the last registered owner cannot be found, and Tasmania Police release the vehicle from the investigation, then Council is authorised to remove, impound and dispose of the vehicle under the Local Government (Highways) Act 1982.
What should you do if your vehicle has a Tasmania Police notice on it?
Advise Tasmania Police as soon as possible of your intentions with the vehicle.
The Department of State Growth – Road Works
State Growth are responsible for the Tasman Highway in our municipality, you can find a full list of State Growth works here. You can also see the latest updates on RoadsTas Facebook page.
Road surface maintenance on the Tasman Highway at Paradise Gorge between Thumbs Creek Bridge and Charles Street, from Thursday 23rd November 2023.
The Department of State Growth will be delivering the Resurfacing Program for 2023/24, to maintain the safety and function of the road network. Works include resurfacing and new line marking. We have included a map below to show the location of the works.
We will be working on this project between 7:00 am and 5:00 pm from Thursday 23rd of November 2023 and should be finished by Tuesday 5th of December 2023, weather permitting.
How will the work affect you?
As part of this work, there will be some temporary traffic changes to ensure the safety of road users and workers. Expect reduced speed limits and occasional lane closures during working hours. Please allow up to 15 minutes extra travel time, keep to the speed limits and follow the directions of traffic controllers and signs.
If you have any questions regarding this work, please contact our Stakeholder Engagement Consultant, Allison Madson on 0497 387 017 or
A Council Road reserve is the land from outside of the property boundary and generally consists of a nature strip (or roadside), drainage networks including kerb and channel, verge, road shoulder and roadway or carriageway.
Please note: This form is not permission to start work, you must await Council’s response.
Form: Work Within Road Reserve Permit
Don’t wait for a flash flooding event to learn what to do.
The Bureau of Meteorology issues advice regarding heavy and flash flooding rainfall due to happen in the near future.
To keep up to date with this advice listen to ABC Radio on the following frequencies:
Local ABC Radio
Bicheno 89.7FM – Radio National 91.3FM
Orford 90.5FM – Radio National 88.9FM or 585AM
Swansea 106.10FM – Radio National 107.7FM or 585AM
Triabunna 90.5FM – Radio National 88.9FM
- Check your insurance cover.
- Are you covered for flooding?
- Does your policy replace new for old, does it have a limit on repairs?
- Check both building and contents cover; don’t underestimate the value of contents
If people are asked how they would defend their property to prevent the inflow of water the initial response is sandbags. However, what is not generally understood is that sandbags are not waterproof.
Also, sandbags empty or full are not easily obtained. The State Emergency Service (SES) can supply sandbags to private properties however, Council has limited supplies and these are required to manage public infrastructure.
The main points of water inflow to properties during flooding events are:
- Back flow through toilets and sink plug holes.
- Through the gaps around windows and door frames.
- Through air bricks
To aid in preventing water coming in these main entry points the following techniques can be used when sandbags are not available or in preference to sandbags as they can be more effective.
Put plugs in sinks and baths. Weigh them down with a strong plastic bag filled with sand or earth.
Place a strong plastic bag full of sand or earth in the toilet bowl to prevent sewage entering your property. Close the lid and weigh down. Manhole covers within your property boundary should be weighed down with earth or sand filled bags or heavy objects. The gaps around windows and door frames can be sealed with duct tape and plastic available from most hardware stores. Duct tape and plastic well applied on a dry surface is far more effective than sandbagging. Similarly air bricks can be sealed, duct tape placed over, or a sheet of plastic and duct taped. Do not permanently seal your air bricks.
In preparation for flash flooding, assess your property and its vulnerability. To increase the flood resilience of your home think about using the methods described above, and have on hand stocks of plastic, duct tape, bags filled with sand or dirt and silicone sealant. This will assist with protecting your home in the event of flooding taking place.
Know how to turn off your water, gas and electricity. Ask your supplier how to do this.
Mark taps or switches with stickers to help you remember. If safe to do so, turn off gas, electricity and water supplies when floodwater is about to enter your home. DO NOT touch sources of electricity when standing in floodwater.
If possible, move any outside belongings to higher locations including car oils, pesticides and chemicals which can be very hazardous to the environment when mixed with floodwaters. These should be stored in plastic, airtight containers in a secure place away from the floodwaters.
- Call your building and contents insurance company as soon as possible.
- The insurance company will confirm what repairs and replacements are needed and covered by your policy.
- Ask the insurance company how long it will be before the loss adjustor visits.
- Ask the insurance company if you are to clean your property or if they will get a company to do it for you.
- If you rent your property, contact your landlord and your contents insurance company as soon as possible.
- Photograph and video record your damaged property. List the damage to your property and belongings.
- Use a permanent ink pen to mark on the wall the maximum height of the floodwater – do this in every room affected by flooding.
- Make a note of all phone calls. Record the date, name and what was agreed.
- Keep copies of all letters and emails you send and receive. Also keep all receipts.
- Don’t throw anything away until told to (except ruined food).
Please click here for a printable PDF.
Nature Strips
The Glamorgan Spring Bay Council will stop regular mowing of nature strips adjacent to private properties, commercial properties or properties owned by government authorities, except in key strategic locations and areas or where the service is provided under any assistance program from the end of July 2023. The considerable savings from this program will be directed back into road and footpath renewal programs within the community. These areas were highlighted in the recent survey undertaken by ratepayers as a priority.
Many residents were already mowing nature strips in between council mowing programs. All residents may now undertake the maintenance of their nature strips, other than trees. There is a level of risk with mowing nature strips as a property owner’s home insurance may not cover the public liability risks in the event of an incident and council’s insurance may also not cover the incident. Thrown stones are the most likely incident to occur. Residents may like to consult their insurer about their cover.
Council will continue to mow nature strips when they become a hazard and for fire abatement if left untended.
Where a resident is unable to maintain their nature strip due to age, disability, or illness, or need help maintaining their nature strip, they may be eligible for assistance.
People who need assistance may be covered through My Aged Care, NDIS, and other aged care providers under help at home services.
Collection of nature strip clippings is not recommended as council practice has been to leave the clippings in place. This accords with current recommended horticultural practice for a healthy lawn.
Council Maintained Mowing Areas:
If you would like to see what areas Council will and will not be maintaining, please click on the townships below.
- The blue markups are areas that Council will no longer provide a service.
- The orange markups are areas that Council will continue to provide a service, the type of service (mowing or slashing) and how regularly they will be maintained.
- The green markups are areas that Council will maintain a service at a lower level than the orange area.For example the first part of Harvey Farm Rd and Lehner Crescent we currently mow and the rest of Harvey Farm gets slashed once or twice a year. This section in green will not transition from mowing to slashing. Most of the green markups are just walking tracks that would have 6 monthly or 12 monthly whipper snip. The council reserve in Hazards View Drive is another example of a large area shaded green, but there is only a walking track to maintain in the reserveWith the Orange and green markups, although some areas may look large we don’t maintain all the area. It has all been marked up because it is either council land, or council licence/lease. Foreshores are a good example of this.We are continuing to mow the main approaches to all towns (mostly Tasman Hwy) as we do already and the CBD areas. Some areas on the Tasman Hwy have been reduced when compared to current/past areas.