Spring Bay Table Tennis
Orford Community HallCome along and join in the fun, give it a go or just come for a laugh and a cuppa.
Where: Orford Community Hall
When: Monday 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Cost: $3 donation - Kids are free
Wear rubber soled shoes
Come along and join in the fun, give it a go or just come for a laugh and a cuppa.
Where: Orford Community Hall
When: Monday 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Cost: $3 donation - Kids are free
Wear rubber soled shoes
Join in for a fun evening of line dancing to some great country music.
All are welcome
Where: Buckland Hall
When: Monday Evenings
Time: 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Cost $6.00
For further information please call Kathy Mace on 0419 553 594
For the Baby Boomers and anyone who wants to join in some fun.
This is held at the Spring Bay Community & Health Centre on Tuesdays from 9am to 10am.
For further information please phone Liz 0432 233 449
Services Australia is coming to Swansea to help the community with Medicare, Centrelink, Child Support and much more.
They will be at the Swansea Courthouse (4 Noyes Street, Swansea) From Monday the 21st of October to Wednesday the 23rd of October. They will be open from 12:00pm - 4:30pm on Monday and 9:00am to 4:30pm on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Please phone 0499 792 373 if you need an appointment, walk-ins are welcome.
For more information about services you can call the Centrelink Call Centre on 1800 136 380.
The Yarn Time Group meet at the Spring Bay Community & Health Centre every Tuesday from 10am to 12noon.
The aim of the group is to bring women together for a couple of hours of fun, laughter and some craft work if you wish.
All community members are welcome. Just drop in to see if you would like to join us. There is no obligation to come weekly just when you have a spare Tuesday morning. Any donations of wool are always appreciated, items made are donated to different charities.
Little Tackers Program
From birth - 4 years old
Where: Triabunna District School
When: Every Tuesday starting March 7 2023
Time: 10:15am - 11:30am
Morning Tea will be provided, come along for a meet and greet.
Visit the Mobile Service Centre to find out about Australian Government payments and services for rural families, older Australians, students, job seekers, people with disability, carers, farmers and self-employed people. Information about Department of Veterans’ Affairs programs and support services for veterans and their families will also be available. Staff can provide you with information and support. They can also help you create a myGov account.
When: Wednesday the 23rd of October 2024 from 9:00am to 4:00pm
Where: The Triangle, Burgess Street Bicheno.
For more information click here
Come and visit the Spring Bay Maritime Museum.
Locally built and restored wooden boats, along with artefacts telling the stories of local maritime history.
Open Mondays & Wednesdays 9:30am - 2:00pm
Come and visit the Spring Bay Community Shed.
A place for members to meet and exchange skills, or just catch up for a cuppa and a chat. Restored wooden boats and other items for sale.
Open Mondays & Wednesdays 9:30am - 2:00pm
On the Marina at 17 Esplanade, Triabunna.
Website - sbmdc.org.au
Come and enjoy games at the Spring Bay Community & Health Centre on Wednesdays from 10am until 12noon.
Please come and join in for a morning tea and a couple of hours of fun, laughter, games and cards. No need to book, just turn up and enjoy. For more information please phone 6123 4020.
The Pop Up Book Stall is open:
When: Wednesday to Sunday
Time: 10:30am - 3:00pm
Where: 38 Vicary Street, Triabunna.
Over the winter months opening days and hours may change, please check their Facebook page for the latest information.
All proceeds are donated to community organisations and activities.
Any enquiries please phone Chris 0458 560 753, Beth 0407 571 181 or Richard 0427 355 229.
Lunch with Mates is a free cooked meal to enjoy with others in the community, everyone is welcome.
When: Every Wednesday at 12pm
Where: Triabunna RSL
Come along and join in the fun, give it a go or just come for a laugh and a cuppa.
Where: Orford Community Hall
When: Wednesdays 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Cost: $3 donation - Kids are free
Wear rubber soled shoes
Services Australia is coming to Bicheno to help the community with Medicare, Centrelink, Child Support and much more.
They will be at the Bicheno Health & Resource Centre (94 Foster Street, Bicheno) From Thursday the 24th of October to Friday the 25th of October. They will be open from 9:00am - 4:30pm on Thursday and 9:00am to 12:00pm on Friday.
Please phone 0499 792 373 if you need an appointment, walk-ins are welcome.
For more information about services you can call the Centrelink Call Centre on 1800 136 380.
The Pop Up Book Stall is open:
When: Wednesday to Sunday
Time: 10:30am - 3:00pm
Where: 38 Vicary Street, Triabunna.
Over the winter months opening days and hours may change, please check their Facebook page for the latest information.
All proceeds are donated to community organisations and activities.
Any enquiries please phone Chris 0458 560 753, Beth 0407 571 181 or Richard 0427 355 229.
The Spring Bay Community Food Hub is a not-for-profit community run volunteer association.
The purpose of this association is to support the local community by providing access to affordable food.
Hampers are $25 each with approximately $70 value. Spring Bay Community Food Hub will endeavor to add bread, veggies and fruit at no extra cost as they become available.
Open Weekly on Thursdays from 11am – 3pm (Or until sold out)
Location: 17a Melbourne Street, Triabunna (Triabunna Trade Centre)
For more information, visit the Spring Bay Community Food Hub Facebook for the latest information!
The Child Health Nurse will be visiting Swansea on Friday the 25th of October at the Community Health Centre (9 Schouten Court, Swansea)
To make an appointment please call Michele @ Campbell Town Community Health Centre on 6774 8043 or 0439 431 852
Our 24-hour Parenting Line offers information and support: telephone 1300 808 178 - for the cost of a local call, normal mobile charges apply.
Services Australia is coming to Bicheno to help the community with Medicare, Centrelink, Child Support and much more.
They will be at the Bicheno Health & Resource Centre (94 Foster Street, Bicheno) From Thursday the 24th of October to Friday the 25th of October. They will be open from 9:00am - 4:30pm on Thursday and 9:00am to 12:00pm on Friday.
Please phone 0499 792 373 if you need an appointment, walk-ins are welcome.
For more information about services you can call the Centrelink Call Centre on 1800 136 380.
Supportive and restorative yoga Friday mornings 9:30am to 10:30am at the Triabunna Community Hall.
It helps with aches and pains of ageing and helps you to recognise the patterns of behaviour in your body which creates them.
It is $10 per session any questions please phone Sue on 0429 326 780.
The Pop Up Book Stall is open:
When: Wednesday to Sunday
Time: 10:30am - 3:00pm
Where: 38 Vicary Street, Triabunna.
Over the winter months opening days and hours may change, please check their Facebook page for the latest information.
All proceeds are donated to community organisations and activities.
Any enquiries please phone Chris 0458 560 753, Beth 0407 571 181 or Richard 0427 355 229.