Council is pleased to present the Glamorgan Spring Bay Council’s 10-year Strategic Plan 2020-2029. This plan was officially endorsed at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 26 May 2020, and a revised version was subsequently adopted during the meeting held on 27 February 2024.

Council acknowledges the submissions received on the Plan and thanks all those involved in the production of the document.

Glamorgan Spring Bay Council’s 10 year  Strategic Plan – (Revised February 2024)

Glamorgan Spring Bay Council’s 10-year Strategic Plan 2020-2029

Council is pleased to present the Glamorgan Spring Bay Council’s 10-year Long Term Financial Plan 2021-2031 which was adopted at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on the 23 March 2021.

Long Term Financial Plan – 2021-2031

Council is pleased to present the Glamorgan Spring Bay Council Financial Management Strategy 2021-2031 which was adopted at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on the 27 July 2021.

Financial Management Strategy 2021-2031


Council has recently developed a Natural Resources Management (NRM) and Climate Resilience Strategy. This strategy provides an overview of the Natural Resources of the Glamorgan Spring Bay municipality, the pressures on those resources and priority actions for their management. The strategy provides a framework for cross-tenure collaboration and cooperative action over the next five years.

The strategy documents include the formal strategy,  a summary version and an extract with the executive summary and the tables with objectives, goals, actions and measures of success for the people who want a quick look at the actions.

The strategy is considered to be a “living” document that will be progressively developed as it is put into action.

For more information or to get involved contact