On 10 September 2024 a single statewide Code of Conduct came into effect for all Tasmanian councils without need for formal adoption by individual councils.

The Local Government (Code of Conduct) Order 2024 can be viewed on the Tasmanian Legislation Website.

For more information about the Code of Conduct Framework for Tasmanian councillors, visit the Department of Premier and Cabinet website.


The code of conduct framework is legislated under the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act). The Act is available to view at the Tasmanian Legislation Website.


The Code of Conduct outlines the standards of behaviour expected of Councillors in respect to all aspects of their role as elected representatives of the Glamorgan Spring Bay community.

Application of Standards

The following standards are identified and addressed within the Code:

  1. Decision making.
  2. Conflict of interest that are not pecuniary.
  3. Use of office.
  4. Use of resources.
  5. Use of information.
  6. Gifts and benefits.
  7. Relationships with community, councillors and council employees.
  8. Representation.

Making a Code of Conduct complaint

Any person may make a code of conduct complaint against a councillor in relation to an alleged breach by the councillor of the code of conduct.

A complaint must be made by a natural person. A company or incorporated body cannot make a complaint. A complaint on behalf of a company or incorporated body should be made by a natural person who is an office holder.

A person may make a complaint against more than one councillor, if all the councillors complained against behaved on a particular occasion in such a manner as to commit the same alleged breach of the code of conduct.

A complaint may not be made by more than two complainants jointly.

Submitting a complaint

The process for making a complaint through the code of conduct process is as follows:

1.Complete a Local government Code of Conduct complaint form, September 2024 (Word 15.8KB)

2. Attach to the complaint form a statutory declaration, signed by the complainant or by each complainant, verifying the accuracy of the information contained in the complaint.

3. Pay the code of conduct complaint lodgement fee at Glamorgan Spring Bay Council Office, 9 Melbourne Street, Triabunna, 9.00 am to 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays). The fee is prescribed under Schedule 3 (Fees) of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2015 and is currently $93.50 for 2024-25.

4. Lodge the complaint with the General Manager of the Glamorgan Spring Bay Council in one of the following ways:

    • email: general.manager@freycinet.tas.gov.au
    • in writing: to the General Manager, Glamorgan Spring Bay Council, PO Box 6, Triabunna TAS 7190
    • in person: Glamorgan Spring Bay Council Office, 9 Melbourne Street, Triabunna TAS 7190

Further information about how to make a complaint, information and other requirements is contained in the Information Sheet – Local Government Code of Conduct – Information for Complainants, September 2024 (PDF 310.9KB).

Once satisfied that the code of conduct complaint meets prescribed requirements, the General Manager is to forward the complaint to the Code of Conduct Panel.