Important Information for Dog and Cat Owners – HomeSafeID Microchip Register

Pet microchip registry company HomeSafeID may soon close its website.

This means pet owners registered with HomeSafeID are at risk of losing access to their pet’s microchip records.

If your pet is registered with HomeSafeID, you are encouraged to change your microchip registration to another company.

It is important to keep your microchip details up to date so you can be reunited with your pet if they go missing or are found.

For more information about the situation and what you might need to do if you are impacted, please visit the Office of Local Government website here –

Glamorgan Spring Bay Council will very shortly be removing this tree from Our Park, Orford due to serious safety issues. The tree has developed stress cracking around the base caused by excessive side weight destitution combined with the poor integrity(hollowed out) base of the tree.





Are you interested in the environment and natural resource management (NRM)?

With the Glamorgan Spring Bay NRM and Climate Resilience Strategy in place we are seeking new members for the East Coast Catchments Steering Committee to guide and support its implementation.

Can you provide community perspectives, advice and guidance?

We aim to have a group of committee members that provide a range of skills and experience that cover:

  • Geographic representation across the East Coast Catchments.
  • Industry based experience in primary production (agriculture, forestry, aquaculture, commercial fishing, viticulture)
  • Community based representation on key issues related to conservation and land management
  • Tourism and local business
  • Cultural heritage
  • Communications and marketing
  • Finance and fund-raising
  • Stakeholder engagement and partnership development

Interested in being involved?

Send a cover letter with your CV, outlining your skills and experience to

Please explain

  • Your interest in Tasmania’s east coast
  • How you can help build a strong committee that can provide information, advice and community connection to support and guide the delivery of the Glamorgan Spring Bay NRM program and strategy
  • How you can assist communicate and raise the profile of NRM issues and activities in the community

For more information contact Mel Fazackerley.

Or visit the Landscape Recovery Foundation website.

East Coast Catchments Project — Landscape Recovery Foundation

All public transport fares will be halved from Saturday, 1 June 2024.

Adult, concession, urban, non-urban, and child/student fares will be halved until June 30, 2025.

To learn more, visit, talk to your bus operator, or call 6166 3343.

10 May 2024
Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania

Fresh revaluations in eight municipalities

Fresh valuations for property in eight Tasmanian municipalities have been completed and will be issued from 15 to 31 May 2024.

Over 80,000 new valuations will be issued by the Valuer-General to landowners in the municipal areas of King Island, Flinders Island, Dorset, Derwent Valley, Glamorgan Spring Bay, Launceston, Glenorchy and Waratah-Wynyard, and will reflect property market changes since the previous Fresh Revaluation at 2016 levels.

Roughly one-third of Tasmania is valued every two years under the current valuation cycle and these new valuations will take effect from 1 July 2024.
The valuations for Land Value, Capital Value and Annual Assessed Value provide independent assessments under the Valuation of Land Act 2001.

The Valuer-General has no role in Land Tax matters, nor rates set by Councils when they determine annual budgets. Valuations are not the only data considered by Councils when setting rates.

“The Office of the Valuer-General engage independent valuers to undertake extensive market research through inspection and analysis of actual property sales to determine the value levels of various property types,” said Valuer-General Guy Naish.

“These land valuations reflect property market changes since the local government areas were last valued and are the result of months of hard work and extensive research and analysis by the Office of the Valuer-General,” said Mr Naish.

“In order to ensure the state’s Valuation Roll is accurate, we encourage property owner’s participation in the process by checking the detail and values recorded on their notices once received.”

If a property owner feels the recorded valuation details are not correct, they have 60 days to lodge a formal objection with the Office of the Valuer-General.
Land valuations will remain unchanged in local government areas that aren’t included in this round of valuations.

Further information on the valuations process or to make an objection can be found on the Office of the Valuer-General website at Office of the Valuer-General (OVG) | Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania ( or by contacting 03 6165 4444 or


Update from Department of Health

Sites announced for new Ambulance Stations at Bicheno and Longford

The locations for new ambulance stations at Bicheno and Longford have been confirmed, with planning and concept design already underway.

Securing suitable sites in these locations is a major milestone in the delivery of new rural ambulance stations being built around Tasmania. The preferred site for the new Bicheno Ambulance Station is on existing Crown Land at Lot 1, 19 Sinclair Street, Bicheno. 

Earlier this year the Tasmanian Government consulted closely with the Glamorgan Spring Bay Council and key community stakeholders that indicated a good level of support for the new Bicheno ambulance station at this location.

The new Longford Ambulance Station will be located at 20 Union Street, Longford.

Ambulance stations at Bridgewater, Beaconsfield and Queenstown have already been completed and are fully operational.Construction works on the new Oatlands ambulance station is well advanced and is expected to open in early 2025.
The Department of Health will continue to provide updates to the local communities in Bicheno and Longford about the next steps in delivering the ambulance stations.
Planning is already underway to build four new ambulance stations at Cygnet, Snug, Legana and King Island, which were announced earlier this year.

Waste Transfer Stations –

Summer Operating Hours/Days apply from 21st October 2024 to May 2025

The following operating hours now apply from Monday 21st October 2024 – May 2025 at Orford, Swansea, Coles Bay, and Bicheno:

Open:                 Monday to Friday      2.30pm – 4.30pm
Open:                 Sunday          10.00am – 2.00pm

Closed:          Saturday

*Normal operating hours apply on all public holidays.

Closed: Christmas Day & Good Friday

Eftpos is available at all Waste Transfer Stations.

The Orford Waste Transfer Station may close with limited notice due to adverse weather conditions (such as excessive wind gusts), for the safety of customers.


6 February 2024

Jeremy Rockliff, Premier

Investing in the East Coast through the Strategic Regional Partnership

The Tasmanian Liberal Government has today signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Break O’Day Council, Glamorgan Spring Bay Council, East Coast Tasmania, Tourism Industry Council Tasmania and Regional Development Australia.

Premier Jeremy Rockliff announced the Government will invest more than $5.2 million into developing strategies to enhance health services, education and job opportunities for young people and tourism and infrastructure planning for the East Coast as part of the deal.

“The Tasmanian Liberal Government is doing what matters for those living on the East Coast by investing in the services, infrastructure and long-term planning the region needs to continue to thrive,” Premier Rockliff said.

“We are working in collaboration with the community to achieve the best possible outcomes for Eastern Tasmania.”

The MoU outlines our commitment to develop an action plan to progress the following priorities:

  • East Coast e-health taskforce;
  • Regional Population and Housing Needs Analysis;
  • Education and Training Hub feasibility study;
  • Triabunna Tomorrow Plan feasibility study;
  • Triabunna streetscape and public toilets upgrades;
  • St Helens – Binalong Bay Liveability Strategy;
  • Future strategic land use study for a new St Helens District High School;
  • Bicheno Urban Design Strategy;
  • Provision of public amenities to support youth infrastructure in Bicheno;
  • Bay of Fires Masterplan;
  • Concept development for new St Marys Child Care Facility;
  • East Coast Tourism Positive Impact Plan;
  • Youth Connectors Program for East Coast Jobs Hub;
  • Ongoing funding commitment for East Coast Jobs Hub; and
  • East Coast strategic disaster resilience priorities.

“Our Government is committed to our long-term plan to make Tasmania the best place to live, work and raise a family,” the Premier said.

“This MoU with the East Coast is another example of our Government’s commitment to invest in our regions, which are the lifeblood of this state.”

The Tasmanian Liberal Government is delivering on what matters for all Tasmanians.

Glamorgan Spring Bay Council Mayor, Cheryl Arnol, said that Council is very pleased to be part of this exciting MOU project and looks forward to working with the government on achieving the outcomes outlined in the agreement.

“The support for Triabunna as the gateway to Maria Island is particularly pleasing with the planned influx of tourists to Tasmania and as the gateway to one of the most visited destinations in our State,” Mayor Arnol said.

Break O’Day Mayor, Mick Tucker welcomed the announcement regarding the Memorandum of Understanding.

“The projects being supported within the Memorandum of Understanding are vital to the growth of the East Coast and importantly they will address priority projects which the Break O’Day Council have been lobbying the State Government to address.”

“Health and housing are two of the biggest issues affecting communities on the East Coast and direct action is required” stated Mayor Tucker.

From East Coast Tasmania Chair, Jen Fry, said that it is wonderful to receive this funding for our community, our industry, and our region.

“The partnership agreement will no doubt have a transformative impact on our initiatives. This significant investment marks a pivotal moment in our journey, propelling us towards innovative milestones and enhanced community outcomes,” Ms Fry said.

The CEO of the Tourism Industry Council Tasmania, Amy Hills, said that the East Coast of Tasmania was one of the most heavily dependent regions on tourism in the country, therefore the industry welcomed the visitor economy being at the heart of the new Regional Strategic Partnership.

“Ensuring the visitor economy continues to help drive the region’s economy while making a positive impact on the community, environment, and Tasmanian way of life is a key goal of industry and we look forward to working collaboratively to achieve this through the partnership.

Tasmania RDA Chair Professor, Sue Kilpatrick, said the RDA are delighted to be supporting this Strategic Regional Partnership on the East Coast.

“Place-based partnerships help deliver a much better outcome for communities and ensure local voices are heard. The SRP’s are a great foundation for RDA Tasmania to promote Australian Government funding opportunities and leverage even greater resources and outcomes.”

The Tasmanian Government is taking action to end homelessness by ensuring all Tasmanians have access to safe, appropriate and affordable housing.

Tasmania’s first 20-year Tasmanian Housing Strategy (the Strategy) sets the ambitious vision to end homelessness by improving the entire housing system for all Tasmanians.

To view the strategy and or action plan, please visit the Tasmanian Housing website below.

Home | Tasmanian Housing Strategy (

Business and Employment Southeast Tasmania Inc (BEST) is a FREE, flexible and person-centred program supporting the community and businesses in our four local council areas – Sorell, Tasman, Clarence City and Glamorgan Spring Bay (Swansea South).

What can BEST help with:

-Job opportunities.

-Training opportunities.

-Job matching.

-Interview coaching.

-Providing support on interview panels with employers.

-Recruitment of your next employee.

-Small business advice.

-Access to a private meeting room for employers to conduct interviews.


Contact BEST today to see how they can best support YOU.

Visit their website for additional information.

Local people for local jobs – Business & Employment Southeast Tasmania (

Community invited to comment on the Final Report of the Future of Local Government Review

The Rockliff Liberal Government has today invited the community to have their say on the Final Report of the Future of Local Government Review.

Minister for Local Government, Nic Street, said that there are a number of key recommendations made in the Final Report and feedback from the community will ensure the best possible outcomes for Tasmanians.

“The Rockliff Liberal Government set the Board with a very ambitious task – to design a more robust and capable system of local government to meet the contemporary and emerging needs of the Tasmanian community,” Minister Street said.

“The Board has now completed that task, producing a package of 37 recommendations covering all aspects of the local government system, from voluntary amalgamations through to councillor performance and council management of local infrastructure.

“It’s now time for councils and the community to let the Government know what they think of these recommendations, as this will inform the Government’s response.

“From the beginning, this Review has highlighted councils’ role in supporting strong local communities. The Government will maintain a focus on the community as we consider the Report and prepare a Government response.

“We have been clear that this Review will not result in forced amalgamations of councils, and that has not changed. There will be no change to council boundaries unless both the councils and communities want them.

“My sincere thanks to the Independent Board Chair, the Hon Sue Smith and her Board members, together with staff in the Office of Local Government, for their incredibly hard work on the Review over the past nearly two years.”

Some of the key recommendations in the Report include:

  1. Redefining the role of local government to focus on community wellbeing;
  2. Exploring voluntary council amalgamation in five areas initially:
    1. West Coast, Waratah-Wynyard and Circular Head Councils;
    2. Kentish and Latrobe Councils;
    3. Break O’Day, Glamorgan-Spring Bay and Sorell Councils;
    4. City of Hobart and Glenorchy City Councils;
    5. Kingborough and Huon Valley Councils.
  3. Requiring all councils to migrate to a common IT system over time, and share their key professional staff, such as environmental health officers;
  4. Providing an ongoing professional development program for all councillors; and
  5. Ensuring council rate notices provide more useful information that improves public transparency, accountability, and confidence in council financial management decisions.

The Final Report is open for comment until 29 February 2024. The report is available at