Release Date: 23 January 2024

Resignation of Councillor Richard Parker

It is with regret that the General Manager of Glamorgan Spring Bay Council has received and accepted Councillor Richard Parker’s resignation from Council, effective from 23 January 2024.
Councillor Parker has been a dedicated member of Council since his election in October 2023. We sincerely appreciate his three months of service and extend our heartfelt best wishes for his future endeavors.

The Director of Local Government and the Tasmanian Electoral Commissioner have been duly informed of Councillor Parker’s resignation.

Clr Cheryl Arnol

For further media details contact Mayor Cheryl Arnol on 0419 533 615 or via

 Media Release – Resignation of Clr Richard Parker

MEDIA RELEASE – 25 September 2023

cohealth joins community in Bicheno and Triabunna

Nationally renowned community health service, cohealth, will join the Tasmanian East Coast in October as the new operator of the East Coast Health Centre comprising Bicheno General Practice and Triabunna Medical Centre.

Glamorgan Spring Bay Council will officially transfer management of the two medical practices on 16 October to not-for-profit, cohealth, for a period of three years, with an option to extend a further two years.

Chief Executive, Nicole Bartholomeusz, says cohealth wants to help create healthier communities in Bicheno and Triabunna.

“We’re looking forward to combining our 50 years’ experience in delivering primary health care with the knowledge and expertise of local health practitioners,” says Ms Bartholomeusz.

“Our philosophy is ‘care for all’ and we believe everyone has the right to timely and accessible health services, regardless of where they live or their income.”

“Patients will still be able to see their regular GP, nurse or allied health professional, and over time we hope to introduce a greater range of services and better ways of working through team-based care.”

cohealth is an experienced, not-for-profit community health organisation with over 30 health centres in Victoria, and now two in Tasmania.

Learn more:

Do you live in the Glamorgan Spring Bay area? cohealth wants to hear your views on healthcare in the region.

Complete our survey to help us understand what health services you currently access and how you think they could be improved.

The survey is anonymous and will take 10-15 minutes to complete. The survey is open until 27 October 2023.

This survey is part of a Primary Care Rural Innovative Multidisciplinary Models (PRIMM) project, which is being managed by cohealth.

cohealth is working with consumers and organisations on the East Coast of Tasmania to co-design a local, multidisciplinary, and team-based primary health care model for the community.

Complete the survey online: or phone Lis de Vries on 0423 798 800

Media enquiries: or 0418 552 377

About cohealth: cohealth is a not-for-profit community health organisation that provides low-cost and free local health and support services including medical, dental, allied health, mental health, aged care and counselling, and many specialist health services across metropolitan Melbourne and the East Coast of Tasmania.