From the 1st of January 2017, the Tasmanian State Government has introduced the new Building Act 2016The new act regulates all building and plumbing work in Tasmania, and the laws and codes apply to everyone who is undertaking building/plumbing work.

These regulations change the current way building and plumbing permits are issued and categorise work into “low risk”, “notifiable (medium risk)” or “permit (high risk)” work.

It is your responsibility as the property owner to ensure that appropriate building/plumbing approval is in place prior to commencement of any building work.

For more information on the new changes please visit the following link

As the owner of a property or building, you have the following responsibilities under the Building Act 2016 when building and plumbing work is performed:

  • ensure work is performed by appropriately qualified and licensed contractors and/or practitioners
  • provide correct information to the contractor or practitioner in relation to the proposed work
  • ensure the premises where the work is to be performed is clearly identified
  • ensure adjoining properties are protected
  • do not allow the building to be occupied until an occupancy permit is issued (when required)
  • supply sufficient information to another owner for them to maintain the premises
  • notify the permit authority or building surveyor (where appropriate) if the responsible person for the building, plumbing or demolition work changes
  • ensure the work is completed before the permit expires

Fact Sheet – Checklist Owner Responsibilities for Building Work Approvals

Building Act 2016 Section 50 Owners


Security fencing: Making construction sites secure against unauthorised access.

Guidance Note GN051

Below are links to the useful information regarding the responsibilities and obligations of being an owner/builder:

To determine whether Building and/or Plumbing Approval is required, you must read the Directors Determination’s for Building & Plumbing and make a self-assessment.

Unfortunately as Council do not have a Building Surveyor on staff, Council Employees are not qualified to make this determination for you, and cannot offer any advice. If you are in need of any advice, or you are not sure whether your proposal requires building/plumbing approval, you will need to contact a private building surveyor or Consumer, Building and Occupational Services 

List of Building Surveyors

Note: there are substantial penalties for undertaking building and plumbing work without a permit.

The cost of a building / plumbing approval is dependent on the class of building and the value of the works. If the value of works is greater than $20,000, you will be required to pay State Government levies. For more information on the State Government levies please click here