The population of the Glamorgan Spring Bay Local Government area is 5,012 people, which is 0.89% of Tasmania’s population.

Indigenous people make up 4.4% of the population and live mainly in Triabunna and Orford.

Seventy seven percent (77%) of the population is born in Australia.

The main townships include Bicheno, Coles Bay, Swansea, Triabunna, Orford and Buckland. Bicheno has the largest population (1049), followed closely by Swansea (997). Swansea and Orford have the highest median age at 62 years and Coles Bay the lowest at 38 years.

The population is ageing and the median age is 57 years compared to 42 for Tasmania.

The average number of persons per household is 2.1 and the average number of children per family is 1.7.

There is a high percentage of couples/families without children, which reflects the age of the community.

The 2021 census data tells us that 572 people attend an educational institution. Of these 24.2% are in primary schools, 14.5% in secondary schools and 9.7% are undertaking technical and tertiary studies. Three percent (8.3%) of people are undertaking university studies.



Bicheno 1,049 persons 
51.4% Males
48.6% Females
1.7 % Indigenous persons
Median Age: 54

Coles Bay 515 persons 
52.6% Males
47.4% Females
Indigenous persons
Median Age: 38

Swansea 997 persons 
48.9% Males
51.1% Females
3.2% Indigenous persons
Median Age: 62

Triabunna 905 persons
53.1% Males
46.9% Females
9.7% Indigenous persons
Median Age: 51

Orford 685 persons 
50.7% Males
49.3% Females
2.8% Indigenous persons
Median Age: 62

Buckland 188 persons
55.6% Male
44.4% Female
5.9 Indigenous persons
Median Age: 52